Saturday, 19 January 2013

Time for some survival

So I haven't gotten around to making any more cards for the triple S game, however I'm now back at school for another semester in order to get my Game Design degree. I have three major projects until April so I'll be updating this blog with the progress I'm making on those. That being said I've designed 18 cards for a board game that is one of the projects.

It's all about making sure your tribe survives the longest on a island that is prone to many natural disasters. You can build structures that grant bonuses to your tribe, however you need resources in order to build them. There are three technological ages that the island will go through, changing after a certain rounds have gone by, a round is made up of every surviving tribe going once. The ages are Wood, Stone and Metal. An example on how building things goes is if it's the Stone age, you can build anything that's Wood or Stone as long as you have the necessary resources however you can't build Metal things even if you do have the required Metal resources.

There will be places that these resources can be collected on the board by each tribes group of explorers. If they're within the general area of a resource, indicated on the board, the group gathers one of the resource however if the group is right on the resource than the group gathers five of the resource, divided by the number of groups that are on the same resource.

I'll go into more details as I'm producing the game however that's a general overview of some parts of it. Here are the building cards that can be bought with the resources:

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