Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Screens and fun

This week I've been working on the different screens for my game, from the start to stats, controls to backpack. I had to set up a movie clip for each object for the backpack pages. For the melee weapons and guns their had to be three frames, one that was blank, one that had just the weapon and one with the weapon and upgrade. This will allow for the backpack to reflect what the person currently has without showing them any weapons or upgrades that they haven't found yet. For the other items page several of the items are ones that the player has to collect a certain number of, because of this I allowed them to see the picture from the beginning and the number below each item reflects how many they currently have. Three of the items the player either has or doesn't and because of this I had two frames for these objects, so they couldn't see what it was until they had it. I also has to create some of the odd items that I had forgotten about until now like the ammo box, three different shell types, the keys, zombie survival book, science jar, money and foodstuffs. 
For the start page I created a small animation of the main student zombie moving every few seconds, as well as two animations of paper crumpling up when the user clicks on them, one if for starting a new game while the other is for continuing an older game. I'm almost done the pages, should complete them today, and then I'll just need to do the student animation and the chibi animations. Overall I'm about half a week behind on my gantt chart but I feel like I can put in some extra time this weekend and I should be able to catch up. 

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